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RAPRD believes in the philosophy of inclusion, which means that regardless of ability or disability everyone deserves the opportunity to participate and recreate.  We have three types of adaptive programs.


RAPRD Inclusion Mission Statement:


RAPRD has made a commitment to provide accessible programs and services to the community and shall apply stringent accessibility standards to ensure this commitment is met. RAPRD will provide the least restrictive environment possible, uphold a climate of acceptance through community awareness and support in order to eliminate barriers and encourage the greatest amount of enjoyment and participation.


Inclusion Philosophy


Per Oregon and local laws, RAPRD does not discriminate based on race, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity and  expression, national origin, religion, marital status, physical or mental disability, or age. RAPRD embraces a philosophy of inclusion that endorses providing integrated inclusive programming. To ensure quality recreation and life enrichment activities are being offered to the entire community, RAPRD has adopted accessibility standards that support adaptability and inclusion considerations for every service provided. RAPRD’s philosophy of inclusion emphasizes adaptation over segregation. This philosophy asserts that every feasible endeavor shall be undertaken and every reasonable accommodation made to ensure program offerings are available and accessible. If you or your child have a disability and would like an inclusion consultation please contact Inclusion Coordinator, Brandy Princehorn at (541) 815-8379 or you can email her at


What follows are the Adaptive Recreation Programs for Redmond Area Park and Recreation District. If your child is a different age (older or younger) and you're interested in one of our Adaptive Recreation activities please contact our Inclusion Coordinator, Brandy Princehorn at 541.815.8379 or email her at


RAPRD believes in the philosophy of inclusion, which means that regardless of ability or disability everyone deserves the opportunity to participate and recreate.  We have three types of adaptive programs.


Adaptive Specific Programming

These are specifically developed and geared for individuals with disabilities.


Adaptive Family Programs

These are for families that include a child with a disability. Siblings play together with other children with and without disabilities, parents participate with their children and parents have the opportunity to meet and connect with other families similar to their own.


Inclusion Services

Inclusion services begin with requesting a consultation or meeting with our Inclusion Coordinator. During this meeting participants, parents/guardians, program staff and the Inclusion Coordinator develop an inclusion plan that details adaptations and techniques specific to the participant and program(s) he/she is going to participate in.


Programs are Designed for:

Any individual with a disability is eligible to utilize Adaptive Recreation services. Many adaptive specific programs are designed with specific populations in mind, so check the guide and with the Inclusion Coordinator to see which programs are appropriate for you and/or your child. All individuals with disabilities are also eligible to utilize our inclusion services. Inclusion services provide reasonable accommodations to individuals so everyone can successfully participate in any RAPRD program. It is your responsibility as the participant or parent/guardian of the participant to inform the Adaptive Recreation Department that you are interested in or need inclusion services.


Many RAPRD programs have prerequisites, such as age range or swimming skills. All participants, regardless of ability, must first meet the prerequisites in order to participate in a program. If appropriate, ages can be modified as an adaptation that is part of the inclusion strategy.


Adaptive Swim Lessons

RAPRD offers adaptive swim lessons for swimmers with disabilities. Instruction staff are trained in adaptive aquatics and instruction techniques for participants with development disabilities. For more information and to receive a consultation please contact Inclusion Coordinator, Brandy Princehorn at 541.815.8379 or email her at


Autism Society Family Swim Nights

Once a month the Central Oregon Autism Movement hosts a family swim night at the Cascade Swim Center. Bring your family and friends for an evening of pool fun. For more information contact COAM at 541-419-1064 or email Check out their website at All ages are welcomed. For dates and times check the weekly pool schedule.


Personal Care Policy

If a participant requires assistance with personal care, he/she is encouraged to bring a facilitator or personal assistant to the activity (at no additional charge). RAPRD staff does not assist with personal care.


All About Inclusion

Inclusion is about ensuring choices, having support, making connections and being valued. Recreation is an expression of an individual’s unique interests. Inclusive recreation, therefore, is all about unique expression of the unique individual. It allows people to make social connections, which helps unite our community. Inclusion services utilize appropriate adaptations to programs that help make the program a positive experience for everyone involved.


  • Inclusion benefits both the individual with the disability and the other members of the program; it reinforces social justice, belonging, communication and collaboration.

  • Individuals with disabilities need a support system in order for inclusion to work to its fullest extent. This includes parents, facilitators, program staff, peers and members of our community.

  • Many times individuals with disabilities do not have the same quantity or quality of peer interactions in their day-to-day lives as their typically functioning peers.

  • Inclusion helps people with disabilities develop age-appropriate social skills.

  • By creating inclusive environments, other participants can learn to appreciate individual differences through first hand experience; this is enrichment through diversity.


How to use RAPRD Inclusion Services

To use inclusion services:


Step 1: Check the box on your/your child’s registration indicating that you would like to be contacted by the Adaptive Recreation Coordinator, OR contact the Adaptive Recreation Department prior to registering for a program.

Step 2: The Inclusion Coordinator will contact you to set up an inclusion consultation/meeting. The purpose of the consultation is to develop a proactive strategy that includes input from the participant/parents, Inclusion Coordinator and possibly the lead program staff for the specific program. Topics that may be discussed: tips for effective communication, triggers, what to do if the participant is upset, specific modifications to be used in the program, structured reward system/behavior modification tools and anything that will help the participant have fun and be successful in the program(s) he/she is going to participate in.

Step 3: The Adaptive Recreation Department will oversee the implementation of the inclusion strategy and perform follow-up program observations and personalized consultations to ensure that the inclusion strategy is effective.

Step 4: The inclusion strategy will be revised and adjusted as necessary to ensure a positive experience for all participants.


Additional Information Forms (must be filled out annually):

RAPRD Participant Registration Form 
Adaptive Recreation Participation Information Form 
Authorization to Share Educational Information with Redmond School District


Volunteer Information

We have boundless enthusiasm, but limited resources. RAPRD is always looking for volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please download the Volunteer Application and Criminal Background Check, complete and return to:

Vicki Osbon, Administrative Services Manager, Redmond Area Park and Recreation District, 465 SW Rimrock Drive, Redmond, OR 97756. Fax: 541.548.7275 or email


The minimum age for volunteers is 14 years. All volunteers under 18 years must have a parent/guardian sign the volunteer application and background check forms.


After receiving your volunteer application, the Inclusion Coordinator will contact you to set up a meeting to discuss potential adaptive volunteer opportunities and set up an orientation.


465 SW Rimrock Way

Redmond, OR 97756

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